
by BIll on April 28, 2015

Two recently published books remind us of a word rarely heard in the contemporary world, especially in reference to leaders. The word is “character.” The two books are conservative columnist David Brooks’ The Road to Character and Fred Kiel’s research-based book Return to Character: The Real Reason Leaders and Their Companies Win.

Brooks tells us that the path to character is through humility and that humility involves the uncomfortable awareness “that you are an underdog in the struggle against your weakness.” Kiel tells us that character includes integrity, responsibility, forgiveness, and compassion and finds, in his study of 44 U.S. companies, that CEOs who exhibit these characteristics generate about five times greater return on assets than CEOs who don’t.

These books are of direct relevance to the Global Leadership Profile measure and the action inquiry process that we at Action Inquiry Associates share with our participants through our writing, workshops, and conferences. Why? Because the action inquiry process that generates developmental change toward the later leadership action-logics is precisely the process of character development.

In the coming months, Action Inquiry Fellows invite you to join them for deep dives into various aspects of intensified action inquiry.

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