Calendar of Events
May 11-13, Helsinki Bill Torbert, Elaine Herdman-Barker, Jane Allen, Heidi Guteknst facilitate Excercising Action Inquiry and Mutual Power Programs(a GLP certification program) Helsinki, Finland, May 11-13)
May 26-29, Cornwall NY: Action Inquiry Fellowship Retreat
August 27-30, Burren College of Art, Ireland: AIF members Mary Stacey and Gayle Young (with poet and author David Whyte and master-musician Martin Hayes) invite you to the Burren Executive Leadership Retreat. If you are called upon to respond creatively to the complexity of your work, this is the place to gather with global leaders and renowned artists, similarly seeking new sources of growth.
October 4-6, London: AIF members Elaine Herdman-Barker, Richard Izard and Veronica Meduina invite you to an Action Inquiry & Global Leadership Profile (AI & GLP) Workshop which is open to anyone interested in their own self-development and can also lead to certification for debriefing and coaching with the GLP. GLP London Workshop
October 23-26, Boston: AIF members Elaine Herdman-Barker and Nancy Wallis present the AI & GLP Workshop. Boston, USA, October 23-26
October 30-November 2, Kent, England: Alchemists’ Workparty.
November 9-13, Kent England: Action Inquiry Fellowship Gathering.