Certified Global Leadership Profile Coaches

Certified Global Leadership Profile Coaches

All of the coaches and consultants listed in the links below have been certified by Elaine Herdman Barker (elaine@gla.global), Bill Torbert, and Jane Allen. They have been certified to order, use, and debrief the Global Leadership Profile Report, as well as to work with both the individual and the organizational action-logics of Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry (CDAI) in their coaching and consulting with clients.

Please contact each individually if you wish to explore a professional relationship with him or her. Note that there are coaches in distinct parts of the globe: the European Union, the USA (east and west coasts), Canada (east and west), Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

GLP Certified Coaches in Europe

GLP Certified Coaches in the US and Canada

GLP Certified Coaches in Australasia

GLP Certified Coaches in Asia